Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Materials Needed:
Inexpensive Stockings
Copy Paper
Tracing Paper
Cotton Fabric
Heat N Bond fabric adhesive
Craft Paint or Fabric Paint Pen
Small Artist Brush
Wired Ribbon
Hot Glue Gun

Christmas on a budget means improvising. I wish I had taken a photo of these stockings before I 'upscaled' them, but take off the bow and the letter and that's what I began the project with.  These stockings were purchased at the Dollar Tree in 2013.  They are made of a faux fur material.  I had to sort through the many stacks to find six that weren't too wrinkled and were the same size.  (No, they were not all the same size.)

1- Choose Font-  I picked out a font I liked called "Annabel Antique Script". The font size will be determined by the size of your stocking.  Just print out the letter on a sheet of paper and hold it onto the stocking and 'eyeball' it. After I determined the size of the font, I printed each letter out.

2- Apply Heat N Bond to Fabric-  Follow the directions on the 'Heat N Bond' and bond the fabric to the Heat N Bond.  DO NOT REMOVE THE PAPER.

3- Trace Letter-  Trace your letter onto the paper side of the bonded fabric. (see note below.)

IMPORTANT!  Trace the letter on the fabric as a 'mirror image'. 
That way the glue will be on the correct side when it is bonded to the stocking.

3-Cut Out Letter- Using scissors, carefully cut out the letter.  Then peel the paper off.

4- Apply Letter To Stocking- Lay the letter, glue side down, onto the stockingFollowing the instructions on the Heat N Bond. iron the letter onto the stocking. Be sure to use a damp cloth on top of the letter as you iron and hold the iron down as per instructions, about 10 - 15 seconds.
5- Outline Letter With Craft Paint- To hide the 'raw edges' of the appliqued letter, I used craft paint and an artist brush to paint an 'outline' around the appliqued letter. You can also use a fabric paint pen.  Test first on a scrap to get the hang of it and if using a paint pen, this will allow you to get the pen 'primed'.  Make sure you paint from the top down so you won't touch the wet paint with your hand. 

6- Make & Attach The Wired Ribbon Bow- Make a simple bow out of your wired ribbon. See instructions here-  Simple Wired Ribbon Bow.  (I used hot glue instead of fabric glue to attach the middle piece to the bow.)  After you have made your bow, attach it to the corner of the stocking,using hot glue gun.  Make sure to place it on the side where the hanger is. 

7- Hang Your Stocking!- Pat yourself on the back and admire your Dollar Tree stocking!